Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Small victories; Promises kept

For we are His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for the good works which God prepared beforehand, that we should live in them.”
Ephesians 2:10

When I left the AIC Litein Hospital few months ago, I made a couple of promises.

The first promise was a slide projector.
Litein’s educational sessions lacked a projector for presentations. This is something definitely needed in a teaching program. Dr. John Kanye and I agreed that this was a problem. When I left, I put in a deposit into their discretionary fund. The results?
Dr. Kanye bought a large state-of-the art computer screen, into which internet and PowerPoint presentations could be done. Well done, John! Whew! That’s one promise kept!

The second promise was Operating Room equipment.
A good skin grafting handle was needed. When I left Litein, I regretfully had to bring mine with me, because I wasn’t sure that I might need it later on. I made a promise to have the next volunteer coming bring one. Litein also lacked a rigid sigmoidoscope. They really needed one to help treat lower intestinal emergencies (sigmoid volvulus). I also promised that I would find a way to get one to them.

So the bucket brigade began. It’s amazing what you can buy on the internet.
Mackenzie Welde of World Medical Mission got me in touch with Dr. Matthew Schultz, a Family Physician, who was going to Litein from Minnesota. Matthew agreed to carry anything I sent to him.

I also enlisted the help of Cheryl Mitchell RN, the Chief OR Nurse of LIGA International.
Everything made it to Litein! Thank God. Well done, Mackenzie, Matthews, and Cheryl!

Whew! That’s two promises kept!

BANGLADESH: LAMB HOSPITAL : A Hospital in the rice fields

  But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then y...